Meet your buddy for curated list of Cheat Codes and Shortcuts. CodeBuddy puts over 3500+ verified Cheats and shortcuts in your pocket. Whether you are looking for gaming cheatcodes, shortcut commands of your most used software, code snippets for preferred programming language or codes for checking your phone balance; CodeBuddy is your reference guide and ultimate library of Cheats & Shortcuts from over 100+ categories.
Additionally, you can submit cheats and codes for any category within the app. CodeBuddy team will verify your submission and update it on app. Search, browse and share Cheats & Codes with your friends with easy sharing feature.
With CodeBuddy you can:
- BROWSE over 100+ categories for your favorite cheat codes & shortcuts.
- SEARCH via voice search or smart search by simply entering the keyword of the cheat, game, software etc you are looking for.
- SHARE the codes with your friends with a single touch. Share on social media, whatsapp or any other social apps.
- CONTRIBUTE any cheats or codes you may have through submit codes page with a few simple steps.
- Get GAMING cheats from multiple platforms such as xBox, Playstation, PC games and more.
- Get MOBILE codes for checking balance, plans or even device codes for checking IMEI number, etc.
- Get SOFTWARE shortcuts such as codes from Photoshop, Sublime Text, Evernote, Visual Studio, etc.
- Get COMPUTER shortcuts for spreadsheets, PC shortcuts, Tally, Linux command line, etc.
- Get PROGRAMMING shortcuts for languages such as PHP, Javascript, NodeJS and frameworks such as Wordpress, Bootstrap, etc.
- Get detailed explanation of programming codes and syntax's from the detail page to have a reference on using the codes.
CodeBuddy encourages the community to share codes that will help gamers and people in need of an curated library of shortcuts commands from their favorite tools :)
满足你的好友的秘籍和快捷方式的策划名单。 CodeBuddy提出了3500+在你的口袋核实秘籍和快捷方式。无论您是在寻找游戏cheatcodes,您最常用的软件的快捷命令,代码片段喜欢的编程语言或代码检查您的手机余额; CodeBuddy是你的参考指南和秘籍和快捷键的来自100多个类别的最终库。
此外,你可以提交秘籍和代码的应用程序中的任何类别。 CodeBuddy团队将验证您提交的内容和程序上的更新。搜索,浏览并与你的朋友轻松分享功能分享秘籍与代码。
- 浏览超过100 +类别为您喜爱的秘籍和快捷键。
- 只需输入作弊,游戏,软件等您正在寻找的关键词通过语音搜索或智能搜索。
- 共享代码与您的朋友只需轻轻一按。分享到社交媒体,WhatsApp的或任何其他社交应用。
- 帮助您可能必须通过提交网页的代码用几个简单的步骤,任何欺诈或代码。
- 从多种平台,如XBOX,游戏机,PC游戏和更多的优惠GAMING秘籍。
- 获取移动代码检查的平衡,计划或检查IMEI号,即使设备代码等。
- 获取软件的快捷方式,如从Photoshop,崇高文字,Evernote的时,Visual Studio等代码
- 获取电子表格,电脑的快捷方式,理货,Linux命令行,等电脑快捷键
- 获取编程简写为语言如PHP,Javascript中,NodeJS和框架,如WordPress,引导等。
- 获取从细节页面编程代码和语法的详细解释,对利用代码的参考。